Select block-level tags.

Understanding Block-Level Tags in HTML

In HTML, block-level elements organize and structure the content on a webpage. They create 'blocks' of content that essentially form the backbone of a webpage. The three block-level tags mentioned in the quiz question are the '

', '

', and '

' tags.

The <div> tag in HTML is a block-level element that is used to group other HTML elements together. Containing multiple inline or block-level tags, the

tag helps in applying CSS styles across multiple elements and aids in the practical layout of a webpage.

For example, if you have a segment of your webpage that contains a heading and a paragraph of text, you might group these elements inside a

tag, like so:

<h1>Welcome to My Website</h1>
<p>This is a short introduction...</p>

In the example above, the div tag is used to group the h1 and p tags together, creating a block of content that can be styled as one unit using CSS.

The '

' tag is another block-level element. It's one of the six levels of section headings in HTML, with

being the highest and

the smallest. The

is typically used for main headings.

Here is an example of how it can be used:

<h1>This is a Main Heading</h1>

The '

' tag in HTML renders as a block-level element by default, which means it appears on a new line from the previous content with a full-width space. This tag is commonly used for text paragraphs.

<p>This is a paragraph. It stands as a separate block from other elements.</p>

On the other hand, the tag is an inline HTML element. Unlike block-level tags, inline elements do not start on a new line, and their width and height are dictated by the content inside.

In practice, understanding the differences between block-level and inline elements, such as



and , can help you structure and style your content in a more effective and precise way, offering an enhanced user experience.

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