In Python, what does the 'global' keyword do?

Understanding the 'global' Keyword in Python

In Python, the global keyword plays an integral role in variable scope management. The correct use of the global keyword enables you to declare that a certain variable inside a function should be recognized as a global variable.

Global Variables and Scope

In Python, a variable declared outside of the function or in the global scope is known as a global variable. This variable can be accessed from any function in the code. However, if you declare a variable inside a function, it is local to that function and cannot be accessed outside of it. This is where the 'global' keyword comes into play.

Utilizing the 'global' Keyword

If you need to modify a global variable inside a function, you can use the 'global' keyword to declare the variable as global. Here's an example:

# global variable
x = 10 

def foo():
    # declaring x as global
    global x  
    x = 20 

print(x)  # This will output 20

In the example above, we have a global variable x set to 10. Inside the function foo(), we declare x as a global variable and then change its value to 20. After calling foo(), when we print x, it outputs 20, showing that the global variable x was effectively changed inside foo().

Best Practices

While it's possible to modify global variables within functions using the 'global' keyword, it is generally not considered a good practice. Relying on global variables can make your code hard to understand and debug since the variables can be modified from anywhere in your code. As much as possible, functions should rely on their inputs to produce outputs, rather than on global variables.

In conclusion, the global keyword in Python allows a programmer to modify a global variable from within a local scope, such as inside a function. However, it should be used sparingly and judiciously to maintain clean and understandable code.

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