How-to articles, tricks, and solutions about DIV

How to Vertically Align an Image Within a Div With Responsive Height

In this snippet, we will demonstrate some techniques of vertically aligning an image within an HTML <div> element with responsive height. Read and try examples.

How to Vertically Align Elements in a Div

On this page, you can find some methods allowing to vertically align elements in a <div>. Read and find the method depending on the specific situation.

How to Vertically Center a <div>

This snippet will help you to align a <div> element for all browsers vertically. You will learn to do it step by step with our examples and explanations.

How to Wrap Words in a <div> Tag with CSS

If you’ve faced the situation when you need to wrap long words in a <div>, use the white-space property with the “pre-wrap” value and word-wrap property.

What is the Difference Between <section> and <div> Elements

Read this snippet to find out the differences between the HTML <section> and <div> elements and see which element to use in some specific situations.

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